Sunday, May 16, 2010

Study at home country or abroad

Many students after they finish higher school prefer to continue their study in a foreign country but on the other hand some students disagree with this idea and they like to study in their home country. In this essay I am going to examine the argument against and for studying abroad.

Many people like to continue their study for a degree outside the country for the following reasons. The first reason is that you will have to learn the country language because without that foreign language you will not able to communicate with the society. Another reason is that when you graduate you will not suffer to find a job in your country because, when you apply for a job they will accept you without any problem. One more reason is that you will be free to do whatever you want to do because you are away from you parent.

However, although there are many people who like to study for a degree in different country, there are many where like to counties their study home for the following reasons. The first reason is that you will be near from your family and you will not be feeling homesick. Another reason is that you will not have to pay money for the college or the university and for renting an apartment. Yet another reason is that you will feel safer in your country.

In conclusion, in my opinion the studying a degree at home is much better than studying a broad because you will not suffer the problems alone and you family and your friends will help you.

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