Saturday, May 15, 2010

Should failing student pay

Many students graduate from high school and continue their study at college and university for free in government institutions. Some of students fail and they take more than the time to graduate so some people say the student should pay for their education and some disagree. In this essay I'm going to examine arguments for and against failing Emirati student paying for their education.

Many people think that failing student should pay for their education for the following reasons. The first reason is that some students took almost eight years to graduate and on the other hand other new student could not find a seat at college. Another reason is that ministry of education will have a shortage of money because as the fail students will cost more money. Yet reason is that no one of the students will fail if they have to pay if they will fail.

However, I disagree with the idea of paying for fails students and also some people against with me. The fail students should not pay for their education for the following reasons. The first reason is that governments instead making the failing students pay, encourage them and give them a chance to improve their skill. Another reason is that many student will be afraid to continue their study if they have to pay when they fail. Yet another reason is that the number of educated population in the country will increase and it will be a big benefit for the country.

In conclusion, if the failing students have to pay no one will fail on the other hand the failing students should not pay for their education because they will be the leaders in the future. In my opinion the fail student should not pay but they should study hard to not waste their time.

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