Sunday, December 26, 2010

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Holiday detinations from the UK and Ireland

These two pie charts show the countries where the people from UK and Ireland went in 2006 for their holiday. According from the University of Bradford the most popular country is France for both countries. The two Pie charts content of six countries.
France has the most number of people who went from both countries. The people who went from the UK to Spain are more than double the number of the people who went from Ireland to that country. Italy had 24% of Irish almost twice the amount of Irish as British went to Spain. Poland was the lowest or least popular in both countries.
In conclusion, the most visited countries for the both countries were France, Spain and Italy in 2006.

Monday, June 14, 2010

These two graphs show how the people spend their money by buying some equipment in two groups to use it in their free time. The electronic equipment is the most product buy from the both groups.

Both age groups spend their money almost 39% on the electronic equipment. The 20-30 age group spends 20% of their money in sports which is four times 50-60 age groups. The old groups spend twice the young groups in garden.

In conclusion, both of the two age groups spend most of their money on the electronic equipment.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Global warming

The global warming is very important matter for every person in this world because any change in the temperature of the earth causes change in climate and sea level. In this essay I am going to write the problems and the solutions for the global warming.

Global warming could happen because of many things of human activity. One of the main reasons for this problem is that the co2 which comes from cars, planes, trains and ships which are produce pollution. An additional problem is that the using of a electricity at homes because the electricity generates by huge generations which produce a lot of gases and affects of global warming. Another issue is that cutting the trees which produce the oxygen.

There are many solutions where we can reduce the global warming. On solution is that instead of driving your own car you can use the public transportation. Another possibility is that try to use the equipment which consumes a low power of electricity. Also another solution is to help not cut the trees and plant more trees.

In conclusion, global warming is a very important matter for everybody, so save the environment you save the earth. In my opinion, every person can reduce the consuming electricity by using low power equipment at home.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Study at home country or abroad

Many students after they finish higher school prefer to continue their study in a foreign country but on the other hand some students disagree with this idea and they like to study in their home country. In this essay I am going to examine the argument against and for studying abroad.

Many people like to continue their study for a degree outside the country for the following reasons. The first reason is that you will have to learn the country language because without that foreign language you will not able to communicate with the society. Another reason is that when you graduate you will not suffer to find a job in your country because, when you apply for a job they will accept you without any problem. One more reason is that you will be free to do whatever you want to do because you are away from you parent.

However, although there are many people who like to study for a degree in different country, there are many where like to counties their study home for the following reasons. The first reason is that you will be near from your family and you will not be feeling homesick. Another reason is that you will not have to pay money for the college or the university and for renting an apartment. Yet another reason is that you will feel safer in your country.

In conclusion, in my opinion the studying a degree at home is much better than studying a broad because you will not suffer the problems alone and you family and your friends will help you.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

When should people be retire

Every company in this world has a retirement policy. Some people think the retirement age should be 55 years old and some are disagree and they think it should be 65 years old. In this essay I am going to examine arguments for and against in age retirement.

Many people think 55 years old is very early to be retired so they say it should not be there limit age for the following reasons. The first reason is that old workers have an experience so they can transfer the knowledge to the new employee by teaching them. Another reason is that they want to earn more money from their salary because if they retire the salary will decrease.
However, many people disagree with unlimited age for retirement age and they think the early age retirement is suitable solution for the following reasons. The first reason is that when the employee become old his performance will be low. Another reason is that the old workers need to take a rest and be free for his home. The last reason is to give a chance for the new employee to work.

In conclusion, many companies do not care about the life of the employee; the only one they think is the benefit of the company. The correct age for retirement is 50 years old.

Age of Marriage, USA

The line graph shows two ages for man and women of marriage in USA from 1900 to 2000.

From 1900 to 1920 the age of both ages were decreasing. From 1920 the numbers of female’s ages increases while the male were not still in decreasing. From 1930 the men age were not constants than suddenly fall down. Between 1950 and 1970 the age of the men was stabilized while the women age were slightly fall down until to the bottom. From 1970 to 2000 both ages stated to increases. In 2000 both ages recorded the peak in marriage age.

In conclusion, the age of the men were more than the age of the women in addition from 1900 to 1960 the marriage age fell while from 1960 to 2000 both started to rise again.