Sunday, April 4, 2010

Children in Accident

The table shows the number of the children who are killed in street in three months in 2004. The most significant is the play in street and recorded total of 214. The table content of five sections and five groups of ages.

The children who were playing in the street had the highest number of killed on the street by car and recorded 214. The children who were shopping for their parents killed on the street by the car accident and recorded 32 children. The lowest number of killed on the street were going to the school and were 25 child.

In conclusion, in three months in 2004 the divided into two groups, one group who were above 50 and where playing in the street and going to the school. The other group were the rest. The playing in the street had the highest significant and going to the school were the lowest.

Global warming

Presentation Global Warming

TV addicted

These days many children became addicted to watching TV programmers which will cause for them a lot of problems. In this essay I am going to write a problems and solutions of watching TV.
There are many problems could happen to the children because of the TV. One of the main reasons for this problem is that the children are going to lose their eyes sight because most the children because most the children like to set near from the TV. An additional problem is that the children west their time by watching TV programs for hours and hours without limit time. Another issue is that the children will get low mark in their school because they prefer to watch TV instead of studying.

Although, there are many problems of watching TV, so there are many solutions either. One solution is that the children should be stay away from the TV to protect their eyes. Another possibility solution is that parents must give their children a limited time to time to watching TV. Yet another solution is that parents should find friends for their children to not waste all their time on TV.

In conclusion, I think that if each parent should keep watching their children to not waste their time on the TV.

The bar graph shows the highest ten countries which produced dates in 2001. Overall the highest three countries were Egypt, Iran and the UAE.

Egypt was the highest record in 2001 by producing over 1,100,000 tonnes of dates. Iran was the second produced in dates behind Egypt by 250,000 tonnes. The UAE had record high dates produced. The UAE had the highest products in Gulf countries and it produced 770,000 tonnes which was placed the third value in date producing. Saudi Arabia was slightly lower than the UAE by around 50,000 tonnes of dates. The lowest four countries in date-producing were Algeria, Oman, Sudan and Libya. The lowest was Libya in producing dates.

In conclusion, Egypt, Iran, UAE, Saudi Pakistan and Iraq produced more than million tonnes and Egypt was the leading date produce.